Karthik portrait

Hello, I'm Karthik Srivathsan Sekar. I'm a Master's Student, Student System Admin, Research Assitant and Graduate Teaching Assistant at at NAU in Flagstaff, Arizona.

My projects

Portfolio Website

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This is a portfolio website to explain about me. I developed this project by making the coding as independant as possible to make it more scalable and easy to edit.

Leetfinder - A website to find similar Leetcode problems

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I made this website to help myself while searching for leetcode problems related to a topic. I also did this project to flex my data structure skills and ML skills. Click to view more technical details about the project

LMM malware detection

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A LLM model which uses LSTM to do Hybrid Malware Analysis. So basically we train the model with behaviours of a Malware app and the model will decide if the malware is benign or Malicious

DNA sequence fuzzymatching

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This code is used to perform sorting, searching and fuzzymatching in a 2billion long DNA sequence. Written using C++

LLM response Filtering

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This Project will stop the model from halucinating for low confident responses by analysing the confidence level of the model for each response and then it will give out a response notifying the user that it does not know much about the query

Scipts I wrote to automate stuff and reduce my colleague's manual work.

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This section hosts the bunch of scripts that I wrote for apple and windows devices using Bash, Python, PyGUI to automate some of the manual processes in my workplace and personal to save a bit of time for folks and myself

My Skills

  • Python
  • TypeScript
  • C++
  • React
  • HTML
  • GraphQL
  • Node.js
  • CSS
  • Git
  • MySQL
  • PostgreSQL
  • Linux
  • AWS
  • Docker
  • Jenkins
  • Pytorch
  • Tailwind CSS
  • ExpressJS
  • DynamoDB
  • VMware
  • MongoDB
  • Github
  • Grafana
  • Postman
  • Selenium
  • Javascript
  • Server Migration
  • JAMF
  • Scripting
  • Bash
  • xcode

My experience

My Education


Master's in Computer Science

Northern Arizona University

Graduating in 2025 May

GPA 4.0/4.0

  • Major in Computer Science

Bachloer's in Computer Science

Sastra Deemed University

Graduated in 2020 June

GPA 7.0/10.0

  • Major in Computer Science

Contact me

Please contact me directly at karthiksri2023@gmail.com or 8327315504 or through this form.